Dream Seeker Event Poster

This poster is designed for my fellowship's outreach event called "逐夢 • 築夢(Dream seeking • Dream building)." The main targets of this event are high school and collage students. We would like to invite students around our neighborhood. We prepare  messages about seeking your dream and how to achieve your goal in your school life. 

I will task myself to try something I never done before every time when I design the poster for my fellowship. The theme of the event this year is "Dream seeking and building." I decided to to try the 3D effect function to create an architecture look because the way to archive your goal or dream is similar to building construction. You need to do it step by step and make sure you have a durable base and materials.

The paper plane on the top tight corner represents our dream. There are thousand ways to make a paper plane. Some might help it to fly further; Some might not work. We can always pick it up and fold it with the other methods. Similar to folding paper plane, there are many paths we can choose to archive our dream or goal. Hoverer, not every paths can work out every time. All we have to do is learning from our mistakes and find out the way to move on in order to continue our journey. 

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